Page name: the country of shadows [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-22 10:24:19
Last author: Deadlock jester
Owner: Deadlock jester
# of watchers: 8
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2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *is startled and turns around and see's you*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he places his soft hand on you're knee*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: You should not cry, it ruins you're pretty face

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *turns to you* I'm sorry.....

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *looks downwards, strokes of his hair covering his face*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *walks from the forrest, his wound clean* don't cry, what's wrong?

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *hangs head*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: tell me, please?

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *looks at the distance*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: An ancient wind blows, the winds of secrets and sadness

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: What do you think is wrong *stands up and glares at you* you know whats wrong !!!!!! *morths into vampire and stares at both of you with evil red eyes* I hate this I hurt him,Killed him I am a monster...!!!!!!

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *as a reflex grabs to his swords who he left in the church, he looks at the vampire, he stands slowly*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *looks at Unknown one then feels ashamed again and morths back into a human* Sorry......

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: ok, if you don't want to talk about it *sighs*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: You are a monster

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: Who is not?

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: You no whats wrong !! I am a vampire I hurt people *cries again more heavily*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: your not a monster

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: Is a dragon not a monster too? but do they not save villages?

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I am.......*flings arms around Unknown one hugging him* I am so sorry I dont no what came over me to be that stupid...

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: the real monsters are the ones that never show themselfs, the real monsters let others do their work

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *feels strange, for this is the first hug he has got for a long time*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: it's just this creates bloodlust

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *pulls away slowly and smiles* I have to be alone *jumps off the roof and walks away and morths into a vampire and flits on the roofs and vanishes*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: I have not felt bloodlust

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *looks as fairy goes* it will come soon

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *looks at himself, his clothes completely ragged and his crossbow gone and his two swords at the church* I should patch myself up

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *walks back and into my hut and sits down on a chair by the window and looks out*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Walks softly, the wind playing with the end of his robe, he has his hood on, he walks towards Fairy's hut*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *leans out the window*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *he is playing football with a small rock, kicking it forth*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *He looks up, see's Fairy and smiles happily* Hey!

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *walks out the hut* Hiya Dearest Friend

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: Hello

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *looks around*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *kisses you softly*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *runs up to you and hugs you*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I missed you

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I misses you aswell *strokes your hair* you ok ?

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I am

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *strokes with his fingers past you're chin, looking in you're eye's*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Stares at you*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *he stands close to you, his other hand on you're back while the otehr hand goes softly true you're hair*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *smiles sweetly while looking up at you*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Kisses you passionely, his lips pressing softly on you'rs*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *cant do nothing but let it happen I enjoy it and close my eyes and hold you closer to me*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *strokes you're back with his hand as the kiss continuoes*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *ends the kiss slowly, holding you still close to him*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *I open my eyes and stare into yours not daring to look away I pull back not wanting to* Da'kaan do you still have to red crystal I gave you at the ritual

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: Yes

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *shows the red crystal*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *strokes over it softly*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Pulls mine out* good what are you doing here ?

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I missed you

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I love you

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I missed you to

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: And...I love you 2

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *places a soft quik kiss on you're lips*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *hugs you tightly* I gotta go I have to have a shower then go see my nan Ill be on later at 2 ok if you are on Ill talk to you later if not then Ill talk to you some other time I love you so much bye bye my love *kisses you on the cheek*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: Goodbye

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: c ya *walks away and waves*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Walks off to a cliff, sitting on the edge, looking at the distance*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *I'n the distance he see's little peacefull villages, smoke slowly rises from their campfires*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Way in the distance a dragon wakes up at the mountains, starting its daily routine for food*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Little children are playing in the village, laughing and running*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Sigh's at the simple life*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: The sun slowly rises to its highest point*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *The local drunk goes to the tavern, drinking himself poor, again*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *atleast he is happy*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *he see's a lonely wanderer in the distance, wrapped in a robe*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *He walks true the fields*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *sitting at the edge of the cliff Da'caan see's all the glory of the world*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *All the joy of life, all that is to live for*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *he trows a small rock down the cliff*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *the small rock forms a destructive lawine and crashes on the villagers, squashing them, their blood spilled body left behind, children watch as their parent are trampled by the lawine ((Joke!!!!! Ein't true))

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *A giant ancient dragon storms at the villagers, eating them and burnign down their homes ((sorry!!, joke again!!))

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Looks at all the peacefullness, then look at himself, sigh's*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *One single tear rolls down his bloodless pale cheecks, it slowly drops on the ground, making a soft noise*

2005-03-28 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *small birds fly in the sky*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *A stranger walks towards the square*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *sits in a corner, a pach over his eye*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *sighs*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *walks towards Galin*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: Why did you save me? *he is almost complete in his gadgets, except for his crossbow*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: 'cause you don't have to die...yet

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at unknown one*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *starts playing with his favorite weapon, a poisoned kusari-gama*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *cuts himself*ouch

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: Hiya People

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: hey, how are you?

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I'm great never been better

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *smiles*good

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Is Gleaming with happiness* yes

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *puts away kusari-gama*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Jumps around the place and sings*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *smiles*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Grabs your hand and runs around laughing*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *stands up*hehe

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *runs into a wall and falls back* owwww *gets up and kicks the wall in temper and it crumbles* opps

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at the wall and smiles*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *gets up and rubs head and runs around again*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *watches it all* you seem to have alot of energy

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: Yes Indeed I saw you where online it excites me he he *jumps on your back and pushes you down to the floor* He He

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *sand gets in his nose and he moves it in a weird, almost hilaric way* hehe

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *gets off you and morths into a vampire gets knife and slits rists and stares at the blood dazed*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *turns around on the ground, looks surprised*???

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *throws the knife and is now serious and smirks at you* hmhmhmhm.....

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *remains motionless*....

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *leaps for you and bares fangs*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *goes for his gama, but stops before he gets to it*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *bares fang into your neck*

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *closes his eyes*...

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *sucks the blood out of your neck and the taste is good pulls away and gets your fingers uses strong sharp nails digs them into your fingers and scars are left* you are a vampire GALIN

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *opens eyes, grins*HeHe

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *backs off* u r my kind *gives u a bloodred stone* u can go in sunlight now my love

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *scans himself*cool, thanks

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: *stands up and leaves*goodbye, i've got a 'job' to do, so i won't be back 'till next week

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Sits and stares*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *walks softly at the square, his gadgets complete, with some extra artifacts*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Looks at you startled*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he has a green glowing goggles on*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Is Still a vampire jumps into the shadows*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: You've been way too busy

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he has his repeating handcrossbow ready in his hand*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *yellow evil eyes glow in the shadows and I smirk evily* hmhmhmhm......

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *scans the darkness, seeing you clearly with his goggles*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: You should try not to spread you're curse, I will hunt them, they will become a plague

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Jumps out of the shadows and stands in frount of you* I am starting the Vampire Plague but Galin becoming a Vampire had nothing to do with it I want him like me so we can really be together and he can be the way I am and feel the pain and bloodlust I do

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *shoots a hail of bolts, the bolts are silver ones and they drip with poison, about 7 bolts fire per second*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *shoots them when you are standing infornt of him, making it almost inpossible for you to get away*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Jumps into the air and onto a roof* why ? attack me I was not going to harm you Brainless one I was talking and I think I am evil you are just as bad....dear friend you will learn the hard way if that is what you want....

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *his aim follows you, shooting bolts rapid*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I have been eating or should I say feeding alot to day and I see you have no Garlic so I am unharmed I am not wearing my crystal so the light will burn me but due to it being night it is ok

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: You are a menace, you are the plaguebearer, You must be vanquished

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Gets serious* You are anoying me !! *clenches fists and closes eyes a red sort of sheild comes around me and the bullets blast back at you*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: ((bolts still kill a vampire ye know))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((not if u dodge them))

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *drops his crossbow and slashes the bolts with his sword*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *While you are doing that charges at you and punches you hard in the stomach*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he takes out a round artifact from his belt, holds his finger on it*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: I need to ask you a question dear friend

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *as you hit him in the stomach, the artifact falls, it hits the ground, a gasoues explodion follows, gas fills the room, the gas is a mixture of garlic powder*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: I will not spare you! *leaps up, piercing one of his swords in you're stomach as you are dazed by the gas*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Is about to grab u then smells garlic holds mouth and throat and starts to roll around on the fall*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Faints and eyes go dilated and fangs grow at the bottem of my lip my mucsles go tense and I clench my fist in the distance a red light flashes my bloodred crystal*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *grabs a shortsword in a quik reflex and trows it at you*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Is dieing*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *steps slowly towards you, kneels, looking in you're eye's, sadness is on his face*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Is dieing slowly and painfully as garlic fills my lungs and pain in my heart grows*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *grabs a potion from his belt, shows it to you* Will you continue spreading the plague?

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Cant hear you or see you *

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: Without evil, there is no good, without darkness there is no light. *brings the potion to you're lips, sweet blue glowing liquid fill you're troat, it cleanses and heals*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *grabs his shortsword out of you with one strong pull*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *sits up coughing and clenching heart and breathing heavily*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *lifts you up, carrying you to a place where no garlic is, towards the burning forest* ((go there))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((ok))

2005-03-29 [Summoner Candy]: I am the best Vampire ever

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: Hello

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Walks in slowly* Greetings

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *Looks at you* Oh Hi......*Gives a false smile*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: An era over, an age done, I come with winds and with them I will be gone

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: Your words confuse me but still I think I can understand them.....Da'kaan why are you acting oddly ?

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: The age is over, the prince arrives, we will succumb to his mighty pawn.

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *Sighs and walks away* stupid...

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *falls to his knee's*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *stops and turns around but stands there staring* Da'kaan....please tell me whats wrong ?

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Looks at the ground, his hair hanging over his face, covering his face*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *walks over to you slowly and carefully* Da'kaan ?

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *All is quiet, no animal can be heard, A single tear falls on the ground, making soft noise*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *sits next to you studying you then looks at the sky and sighs then looks back at you*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *He reaches in his pockets*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *stares and backs away a little*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *he slowly stands, He gives you the bloodred gem amulet, His face still concealed*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *Stares at it then looks at your face and stands too takes it* I see....... *hangs head and closes eyes and crushes the amulet in fist and drops it on the floor and walks away with head hung and eyes closed and is silent*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *sits on the edge of a roof and stares at hands blankly but sadly*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *looks downwards*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *clenches fists and morths into a vampire stands up and stares at Da'kaan with blood red angry eyes and is emotionless just staring*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *yells out, spreads his arms wide, the air trembles, dark storm clouds move over the sun, Giant balls of fire can be seen dropping from the sky*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *Is startled and stares at the sky scared*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *Small stones start to levitate around him, he moves his arms in a pattern, about 50 meters around him dark mist forms, the giant balls of fire approuch the ground*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *closes eyes and turns back to you* hmhmhm......

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *out of the mist giant black tentacles come, grabbing whatever they can. The ground trembles as the giant metiours crash into the earth, making giant craters, the whole country is affected by this, When a meteor crashes into the mist, it dissapears, without a sound and is trown back out with incredible speed*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *villages are beeing crushed by the giant meteors, , the tentacles grow larger out of the mist, grabbing complete houses*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: ...........*looks over her shoulder* what are you doing ?

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *He is inside of the mist*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *stares and starts to get scared and leaps into the air and hovers there*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *a giant meteor heads in you're direction, the air burns around it, the meteor seemes to make a roar sound when it approaches*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *stares at it but dont move and closes eyes*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *trembles but dont move*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *the air around you sizzles, it burns you're skin, even before the meteor hits you, you are in pain from the heat*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *A giant tentacle reaches out for you, too late, the meteor hits you in full face, you fall downwards, togheter with the meteor*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *opens eyes and raises hands to the heat*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *lays on the floor not dead yet but near death and unable to move and body is completely burnt and clothes ripped and face complety cut*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *the meteors stop to fall from the sky, slowly the dark clouds go away, the landscape is ful of craters, all is quiet, the mist as gone away, so has the man who commanded it. Villages lay in ruin, torn and burned houses lay scattered*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *tries to raise head but fails reaches hand to the sun* No.....

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *red stone around her neck starts to glow and she clenches her fists* My home.............gone.....destroyed.....I failed to protect it..for Galin...*tears start fall* truthfull lovely friend the one I love so much I cant protect his village *closes eyes and feels weak and num all over* *wispers* I'll get you Da'kaan..........*faints*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *A figure stands between you and the sun, his figure and face blurred*

2005-03-31 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *You vision leaves you, you can only hear a faint wispering*

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: .......................................................................

2005-03-31 [Summoner Candy]: *eyes half open*

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